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Can i see more
OMG!!!! That one girl was drinking a Pepsi. How embarrassing!!!!
Omgg the guy in the underwair is so cr**py he is just a prune.. like seriously hide ur d**ks. u eggless.. hahahah o and the dude and dudet are so h*t together but i want the guy he is a total man..
The twins are not posing for a family photo per se, they are at a Twin Convention.
Hahahaha. In the picture with the two sets of twins, one of the women was a teacher of mine in high school. It’s going to k**l me that I can’t remember what her name was now..
haha the people on the mans lap he is fully feelin their a**!
I was eating a bagel when I came across the Winny the Pooh picture, I laughed so hard a piece of the bagel I was chewing on came out my nose.
Funny pictures!
real life is really funny!
I know that girl in the 6th picture. The one with the old woman with the really big hair. I used to date the blond girl’s cousin.
see pics
Wow, I had no idea my father decided to air the family’s dirty laundry today. How embarrassing…..
#3 (the one with the pregnant girl and the douchebag) isn’t that weird.
The scarf one is cheesy but normal-ish.
A lot of the other ones were borderline normal in the 80′s and just WTFodder now.
eaahhh….. i think these people have some problem
wow, I’ve seen these kinds of lists before, but these are the top of the top weird pics. what the h*ll is up with brother/sister or son/girlfriend on dads lap?