Art is one of the most important aspects of growing up. Art should be experience and enjoyed by people of all ages not just when we are little kids. For small children there are a huge amount of arts and crafts options where a parent should begin looking. Depending on whether your child is a boy or girl will make a slight difference in what type of art projects they will be interested in. For more details Art combines many aspects of life, technical abilities, hand eye coordination, imagination, problem solving, patience (art projects may take awhile to complete), fun, sense of accomplishment, fulfillment, and even create a passion within some people who truly love it.
One arts and crafts projects both boys and girls will enjoy is origami.
Origami is one of the oldest and most fun filled activities that can be done by children as well as adults. It teaches hand eye coordination and patience, which is something everyone can use. Origami can come in many forms such as planes, birds, sea life, insects, faces, dinosaurs, and animals. Water colors are also a very inexpensive source to bring your child’s creativity to life. Some water color kits come with pre drawn pictures so the kids can fill them in. Some pictures may be very simple or complicated, it depends on your child’s skill level. Girls will find jewelry making very appealing. Making jewelry out of beads in an effective way to ensure to keep your special little girl busy for hours, and afterward they can show off what they made. Coloring books are very common and can come in nearly anything you can think of. Coloring books are a goo way for young children practicing concentration. More interesting and intriguing coloring books may have illusions, mosaics, and elaborate patterns. Coloring books mat be a stepping stone to a child drawing their own characters, people, and animals themselves. We can’t forget the classic Etch a sketch can we? Doodles are a good way to create interesting patterns. For more details If you are looking for an all-in-one set would be ideal for any future artist. Typically a good art set would include crayons, color pencils, markers, paintbrushes, paper, erasers, artist palette, and a variety of different size rulers.
Some more great origami:

Money makes you believe you can fly by Jon Tucker

Trio from the Lord of the rings by Eric Joisel

Vincent Valentine, a fantasy character from the Final Fantasy Series by OrigamiNate.
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